Location Scouting-Orting Washington Family Photography
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Wednesday, October 18, 2017
By Stephanie Jo Photography
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Life is short, and the world is wide

Location Scouting in McMillion Washington


Meet my location scouting buddy, isn't she adorable?  If you are a professional photographer I cannot stress enough that you NEED TO GET OUT AND LOCATION SCOUT!!!  Location scouting is so important for many reasons.  Getting out and exploring the world around you helps you become more and more creative.  It also helps you have a variety of locations on your website, and social media platforms which will attract a larger following.  So get out there, pine for places.  If the place that you want to take pictures on is private property or a business get out and ask the owners for permission.  There are so many places that I have called on, and most of the time I get a "yes" response.  Had I chosen not to call I would have missed out on so many great opportunities.

Get out there and explore- You will NOT regret it!


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