Great Gift Guide For YOUR Guy Day ONE- Pacific Northwest Photographer
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Friday, December 08, 2017
By Stephanie Jo Photography
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Great Gift Guide For Your Guy.


Through out the next week I will be posting gift ideas for your guy.  I am going to try to make this themed so that you can put together stockings that have a theme to them.

Todays theme...  



1.  The Tie Tamer.  

Ladies, I love this.  Before my husband received this his ties were strung over a plastic coat hanger and un-organized.  Please see the photos below, I had to take a few because that is how much I love this.  It is from a company called "Groovy Guy Gifts" , I will be referencing a lot of their items in this post and throughout the rest of the gift guide posts.  Groovy Guy Gifts is owned by Joe Cornelio  The Tie Tamer is made from solid wood and branded with your man's initials.  It is solid and classic.  My husband dresses up daily for work, so this is very useful for him, however even if he only dresses up on special occasions this is still a great gift for him.  This gift is very affordable.


2.  Socks

Socks are in right now.  My husband loves wearing these socks from Express.  He says they are comfortable, stylish and durable.  These fit nicely into a stocking too!


3. Money Clip Or Wallet

I told you I would be referencing Groovy Guy Gifts.  The money clip is a great option for a man that doesn't want to create that line in his back pocket of the wear and tear that his wallet has given.  I think when wearing a suit a money clip is appropriate.  I once heard a gentleman talk about how it is classier to pull out a money clip on a date then a bulky wallet.  I think to each their own.  I can speak from personal experience that my husband who loves wallets constantly wears holes in his nice slacks because of a wallet.  It creates wear lines in the back.   Honestly if he is wearing jeans, a nice leather wallet is the best.  Here is a link to a wonderful personalized and well packaged money clip and wallet.  MONEY CLIP (which also comes with cufflinks, and a tie clip) .  WALLET .  Both affordable and both go great in this themed stocking.


4.  Lip Balm.

My husband commutes via train every morning, he has to stand on the train platform in freezing temp during the late fall and through the early spring.  He loves having some lip balm handy so his "lips don't hurt real bad" (insert Napoleon Dynamite quote).  This basic lip balm is really affordable.  And it will most certainly keep his lips more kissable (oooh la la)


5.  Isotoners.

I purchase new gloves for my husband once a year.  These are the ones that he prefers, they are lined to keep his hands warm, but still have a look of sophistication that goes well with a suit if headed to the office or on a date.  And they are practical for every day denim wear.  Isotoner


6.  Portable Charger

These are great for guys!  Sometimes you do not always have access to a car charger or a wall charger.  Honestly, I steal my husbands all the time.   Here is a link to one that has great reviews and is very affordable.  Portable Charger


7.  Ear Buds

Again, these are a great and very thoughtful gift for the guy on the go.  My husband uses his ear buds all the time...  making his way to work, mowing the lawn, at work.  Really this man should won multiple pairs.


8. Cologne

Here is a great idea, not sure what he likes?  Go get him a bunch of samples and include a nice gift card- this way he picks out one of the ones that you suggested and he can go purchase it after the holidays.


9.  Dollar Shave club

We subscribed to the shave club a while ago, and LOVE it.  For $9/mo you can have a brand new pack of razors come to your door.  The start up kit comes with a razor and I think some other goodies as well.  We added a razor for me and I love it.  This is so practical and EVERY man can use a new razor.


10.  Starbucks gift card and travel mug

This needs no explanation.  I am a born and raised Washingtonian, I live 30 min. away from Seattle so coffee is a way of life for my husband and I.  This gift would make any coffee, tea, hot coco drinkin' man happy!


Stay tuned for the next themed stocking!

Cheers and Happy Holidays!

Here are some of the Tie Tamer Pictures.

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