Life before and after kids -Puyallup photography
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
By Stephanie Warren
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It is hard, but I do recall the days before babies, before Thomas the train, and before I barely saw my husband without a child chasing him or I.  Sometimes I laugh to myself when I remember telling someone that I had a "busy" life.  It's true though moms, we find ourselves doing so much multitasking that when we stop to think about what life was like before one, two, three or more kids we almost always laugh.  I suggest that if you want kids, you should read this first:

True Confessions about life with kids, from someone who has them-

 1. Before kids I thought I knew what "early" was.

 Early... HA! Early...  I am, well I was a night owl.  God has seen fit to bless me to not one, but THREE early risers.  When I say early, I am talking about 5:45am, guys, this is the time they are ready and rearing to go for the day.


 2.  Bathroom doors existed.

Do you know that most houses have bathroom doors?  This is because they are intended for use.  Not in our house.  If peeing was a spectator sport, then training camp is in our house.  In fact when company is over I have to remind myself to use the, what's that word again? oh "door"

3.  Vacations were something I took a plane to get to.

This makes me laugh.  I mean really pee your pants laugh out loud kind of laugh.  Let me enlighten you on what a vacations looks like for a mom of three.  TARGET sans kids.

4.  Changing tables were specific types of furniture.

Haha! this is a good one.  changing tables to someone who doesn't have kids, is a disgusting surface where all the nasty things happen.  Changing tables to a first time parent is gorgeous piece of furniture that you gingerly lay your precious baby on to change and interact with him or her.  Changing tables for a third time parent- your lap, in the front seat of the car while you race to make it into a birthday party, or a table of any kind.. Kitchen table, coffee table, not picky just needs something functional.

 5. Clean cars existed

Oh boy, I feel like I could write another blog post on all the things that I have given up trying to keep clean.  The car is one of them.  My car used to be spotless, in fact I remember getting upset because water was spilled in the back seat and left a water mark on my seats.  Now, my car is a goldfish, kix and cheerio graveyard.  It is like Ziploc bag purgatory.  They are just waiting there until someone (me after 6 weeks) picks them up and throws them in the trash.  I know what you must think- why don't I just clean it up every day... because I am busy keeping my kids alive.

6. Naps were something I did

Naps are something so wonderful and so coveted.  Oh, no do not think that I am the one taking naps.  I am talking about children napping.  I am so protective over naptime that there have been times that I have wanted to call the garbage company and yell at them for sending trucks to collect trash at 12:30. 

 7. Showers happened daily

 Showers are a luxury.  Some days this happens, and sometimes it does not.  if you orchestrate your day just right, you might get one every other day. 

8. Make up wasn't rushed

 My make up last so much longer now, but that is because I do not get the time to put it on.  I used to spend at least an hour getting ready in the morning.  I did the cutest things with my hair and always got that perfect cat eye look with my liner.  Now, hair is up in a top knot and I might have lip gloss on.

 9. work outs were long

 I used to spend 2 hours at the gym before kids.  2hrs 5 days a week.  Swimming, running, weights, machines... I loved it.  I have three kids, I chase after them... And if that is not enough I go outside to run.  Again, see #3.  Running would fall under this category.

 10. Ketchup was typically something that was on the table at restaurants or in the back of your fridge.

 This is something you eat with fries.  WRONG!  It is a magical thing and can make the pickiest eater eat anything.  Ketchup can be paired with anything and everything.  And has been with great success.  My kids went strait from breast milk to a bottle...  Of ketchup.


 What are some of your things you did differently before you had kids?

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1 Comment
Nikke - I let my oldest (7) make her own sandwich, she really is great at it. However, the last time her sandwich was a concoction of peanut butter and ketchup. You know, the stuff chefs make ;) She ate it all. Yummy. lol