Beauty Amongst The Sunset
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Monday, November 23, 2015
By Stephanie Warren
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Beauty amongst the sunset, I feel those words pale in comparrison to this session.  Meet Nicole.  Nicole is one of the most dynamic women I have ever met, if you were to meet her I know that you would agree with me.  She is the owner of "This Robins Nest," a YouTube channel with the style of a video blog.  On This Robins Nest you will hear topics about style, vintage, farmhouse, yardsale and rummage sale finds.  Nicole is an expert on all things farmhouse.  Go check it out.  She will inspire you, give you drive, vision to create, design and make your vision come to life.  She is also the mother to one of the most precious girls as you will see.  This darling girl says the cutest and funniest things.  If you can handle truth through her cute filter than you will love her.  Enjoy this session.  Enjoy the colors, the love, the vibrantcy.

And do not forget please visit This Robins Nest on YouTube!






This session always inspires me to find a shady spot beneath a tree and a great book.  To lay beneath it, read, dream and breath in the solitude.

Thanks for stopping by!



Leave a comment:
Stephanie Warren - You are welcome! They are both a delight!!
Vivian - Yes, Nicole is an awesome woman and we just love her. We are so fortunate to have her in our lives. Bella is my granddaughter and we loves her so much! !! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures